Assistant Professor @EM Strasbourg Business School
Academic Positions
2020 - Current
EM Strasbourg Business SchoolAssistant Professor in Marketing
2019 - 2020
University Jean Moulin Lyon 3Research & Teaching Assistant in Marketing
University Jean Moulin Lyon 3Research Assistant in Marketing
Academic Education
2016 - 2020
University Jean Moulin Lyon 3Ph. D. in Marketing
Haute-Alsace UniversityMaster's degree in Law, Economics, and Management
Haute-Alsace UniversityBachelor's degree in Law, Economics, and Management
Teaching Activities
Publications in Academic Journals
Pfiffelmann, J., Untilov, O., Thøgersen, J., Gengenbach, A., & Mionetto, C. (forthcoming). Comparing apples to oranges: Consumer ambivalence regarding an eco-innovation - laser marking of organic fruits. Recherche et Applications en Marketing (English version). [DOWNLOAD]
Pfiffelmann, J., Untilov, O., Thøgersen, J., & Franck, R. (forthcoming). Conflicting consumer beliefs influencing eco‐innovation adoption: Motives and barriers for accepting the laser marking of organic products. Psychology & Marketing. [DOWNLOAD]
Pfiffelmann, J., Pfeuffer, A., Dens, N., & Soulez, S. (2024). Unique… like everyone else: Effects and mechanisms of personalization appeals in recruitment advertising. International Journal of Advertising, 43(3), 491-532. [DOWNLOAD]
Pfiffelmann, J. & Pfeuffer, A. (2022). Understanding personalized recruitment ads' effectiveness: The role of personalization type and message involvement. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 22(3), 311-326. [DOWNLOAD]
Pfiffelmann, J. & Soulez, S. (2021). Persuasive effect of potential employees' names and photographs in a recruitment advertisement. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 38(3), 303-317. [DOWNLOAD]
Pfiffelmann, J. (2020). Campagnes publicitaires de recrutement sur Facebook et LinkedIn : À quel niveau de personnalisation vaut-il mieux recourir ? Décisions Marketing, 99, 17-36. [DOWNLOAD]
Pfiffelmann, J., Dens, N., & Soulez, S. (2020). Personalized advertisements with integration of names and photographs: An eye-tracking experiment. Journal of Business Research, 111, 196-207. [DOWNLOAD]
Member of the Editorial Review Board
International Journal of Advertising (since 2023)
Reviewer for Academic Journals
- Psychology & Marketing (since 2024)
- Recherche et Applications en Marketing (since 2024)
- Journal of Consumer Marketing (since 2024)
- Journal of Advertising Research (since 2023)
- Journal of Advertising (since 2023)
- International Journal of Advertising (since 2023)
- Journal of Interactive Advertising (since 2023)
- Frontiers in Neuroscience (2022)
- Electronic Commerce Research (since 2020)
- Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences (since 2020)
- Journal of Business Research (since 2020)
Reviewer for Academic Conferences
- International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA)
- American Marketing Science (AMS)
- Colloque Européen Innovation et Commerce
- American Council on Consumer Interests (ACCI)
- American Academy of Advertising (AAA)
- Colloque Etienne Thil
- Association Française du Marketing (AFM)
- Journée de Recherche en Marketing du Grand Est (JRMGE)
- Journée de Recherche sur le Marketing des Ressources Humaines