
Assistant Professor @EM Strasbourg Business School

Academic Positions

2020 - Current
EM Strasbourg Business School

Assistant Professor in Marketing

Since 2024 - Coordinator of the Marketing track in 4th year of the PGE Master’s program.
Since 2023 - Head of the Marketing & Information Systems research team at HuManiS Research Center
2021-2024 - Head of the Digital Marketing major in the PGE Master’s program
Strasbourg, France
2019 - 2020
University Jean Moulin Lyon 3

Research & Teaching Assistant in Marketing

Lyon, France
University Jean Moulin Lyon 3

Research Assistant in Marketing

Lyon, France

Academic Education

2016 - 2020
University Jean Moulin Lyon 3

Ph. D. in Marketing

Research stay at the University of Antwerp, Belgium
(invited by Prof. Dr. Nathalie Dens)
Title of the dissertation: Identification-based personalization effects in recruitment advertising
Dissertation advisor: Prof. Dr. Sébastien Soulez
Lyon, France
Haute-Alsace University

Master's degree in Law, Economics, and Management

Specialized in Marketing and Sales
1 semester @University of Economics in Katowice, Poland
Colmar, France
Haute-Alsace University

Bachelor's degree in Law, Economics, and Management

Specialized in Marketing
Colmar, France


Teaching Activities


Designed for graduate students, this course explores the principles and practices of sustainable marketing. It focuses on strategies that balance business success with environmental and societal well-being. Students will study green marketing, corporate social responsibility, and ethical consumerism, learning to create marketing initiatives that drive positive social impact and sustainable growth.


This course provides graduate students with detailed and current explorations of key theories in the advertising discipline. The course gives a working knowledge of the primary theoretical advertising approaches, offering a comprehensive synthesis of the vast literature in the area.


This course allows graduate students to explore key concepts in eye-tracking research and help them integrate it into their study. The course helps students design advertising and experimental stimuli and test their visual artwork using eye-tracking technology, allowing them to turn eye-tracking data into valuable insights.


This course introduces graduate students statistical thinking in managing business problems. The students learn and implement the entire cycle of the marketing research procedure, from translating a management question into research questions to designing an appropriate study with a quantitative approach, analyzing the data, reporting the results, and interpreting them to provide managerial conclusions.


This course introduces and discusses experimental design, data collection, and data analysis methods relating to research in the advertising field. Graduate students consider how to select the appropriate theories, manipulate stimuli, use measurement scales, and analyze results. This course elucidates the requirements for academic work, considering aspects related to language, writing style, and layout.


I am actively involved in Master's thesis supervision as part of my daily responsibilities. Because I teach Research Methodology, Online Advertising Theory, and Eye-tracking Methodogy, students have the keys to coming up with a great Master's thesis!

Publications in Academic Journals

Pfiffelmann, J., Untilov, O., Thøgersen, J., Gengenbach, A., & Mionetto, C. (forthcoming). Comparing apples to oranges: Consumer ambivalence regarding an eco-innovation - laser marking of organic fruits. Recherche et Applications en Marketing (English version). [DOWNLOAD]

Pfiffelmann, J., Untilov, O., Thøgersen, J., & Franck, R. (forthcoming). Conflicting consumer beliefs influencing eco‐innovation adoption: Motives and barriers for accepting the laser marking of organic products. Psychology & Marketing. [DOWNLOAD]

Pfiffelmann, J., Pfeuffer, A., Dens, N., & Soulez, S. (2024). Unique… like everyone else: Effects and mechanisms of personalization appeals in recruitment advertising. International Journal of Advertising, 43(3), 491-532. [DOWNLOAD]

Pfiffelmann, J. & Pfeuffer, A. (2022). Understanding personalized recruitment ads' effectiveness: The role of personalization type and message involvement. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 22(3), 311-326. [DOWNLOAD]

Pfiffelmann, J. & Soulez, S. (2021). Persuasive effect of potential employees' names and photographs in a recruitment advertisement. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 38(3), 303-317. [DOWNLOAD]

Pfiffelmann, J. (2020). Campagnes publicitaires de recrutement sur Facebook et LinkedIn : À quel niveau de personnalisation vaut-il mieux recourir ? Décisions Marketing, 99, 17-36. [DOWNLOAD]

Pfiffelmann, J., Dens, N., & Soulez, S. (2020). Personalized advertisements with integration of names and photographs: An eye-tracking experiment. Journal of Business Research, 111, 196-207. [DOWNLOAD]

Member of the Editorial Review Board

International Journal of Advertising (since 2023)

Reviewer for Academic Journals

  • Psychology & Marketing (since 2024)
  • Recherche et Applications en Marketing (since 2024)
  • Journal of Consumer Marketing (since 2024)
  • Journal of Advertising Research (since 2023)
  • Journal of Advertising (since 2023)
  • International Journal of Advertising (since 2023)
  • Journal of Interactive Advertising (since 2023)
  • Frontiers in Neuroscience (2022)
  • Electronic Commerce Research (since 2020)
  • Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences (since 2020)
  • Journal of Business Research (since 2020)

Reviewer for Academic Conferences

  • International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA)
  • American Marketing Science (AMS)
  • Colloque Européen Innovation et Commerce
  • American Council on Consumer Interests (ACCI)
  • American Academy of Advertising (AAA)
  • Colloque Etienne Thil
  • Association Française du Marketing (AFM)
  • Journée de Recherche en Marketing du Grand Est (JRMGE)
  • Journée de Recherche sur le Marketing des Ressources Humaines

My Research in the Media